About/contact Tyler Olsen

After two years-plus reporting on anything and everything at The Morning Star in Vernon, B.C., Canada, I packed up my desk (a tremendous feat itself) and, along with my Polish-Canadian girlfriend, headed to Europe where I am wrote and generally lived the unemployed life. We set up base in Warsaw, Poland, which boasts among other things, a tremendous number of sad memorials, a handy metroline, good perogies, a great internet cafe and a lot of people who don’t look where they’re walking.

In 2009 we returned to B.C., where I found employment at a business news agency. Saying any more about my current work may get me in trouble so I will shut my pie hole. The job sucked, so I bolted there for a PR agency. But I didn’t like that job either. I’m now working as a reporter and photographer at the Chilliwack Times, a job that very much does not suck (and I’m not just saying that). There I cover the courts, crime and sports, including the local Western Hockey League team. I can be reached at tyolsen(at)gmail.com. I tweet (God, I hate that verb) at twitter.com/tylerolsennow.

7 responses to “About/contact Tyler Olsen

  1. Hey, glad to see things are still going well. I wouldn’t wish too hard for weather like we’ve been having here. Shoveling every day, pipes bursting at work, no washrooms or running water. Camera’s freezing up in no time… yep, -5 is way better.

    Was thinking of you yesterday as someone ordered an Olsen photo from Feb! You seriously need to keep your sensor cleaner man, I am not that short of things to do around here!!!

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you both! You’re still missed round here.

  2. Hi!
    for an american, it’s curious to choose Poland. But, if I think better, for an american nothing is curious. Sorry I haven’t a magazine to hire you.
    Dan, Romania (sic), http://danmihalache.wordpress.com

  3. Eeek! I’ve been labelled an American…the worst fear of any Canadian.

  4. Good photos. It reminds me of my life in Germany. No we live in Melbourne, enjoying the summer. Good luck for the future

  5. Since Obama’s inauguration, I no longer have to pretend to be Canadian when in Europe.

  6. Sorry, I was casual, I’m often.

  7. Hahaha, true. The Poles definitely do not look where they are walking. Nice people but odd pedestrians.

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